For your convenience, our most common customer questions are answered right here.

Not finding what you want? Reach out directly through our Contact Us page.

Q: What does this cost?

Please “click here” or select our product shop page from our dropdown menu.

Q: Where are you located?

A: We our located just a 20 minute drive south of Chattanooga, Tn in Rock Spring, Ga. Our unique location gives us the ability to serve Atlanta, Ga, Knoxville, Tn, and Nashville, Tn easily with a short drive.

Q: what’s the deal with your meat?

A: We produce free range, Non-GMO meats. We are not certified organic, but that’s purly due to feed and not anything we use in our pastures. We do not treat our pastures with any chemicals. Ever.

Q: Can we come to the farm?

A: We would love to have you, but please call and schedule.

Q: Where can we buy your products?

A: Well, our birds are USDA certified so anywhere really. But, we like to keep it local. Give us a call and we will point you somewhere close. We also do on farm sales.